Windows 10 delete environment variable command line free

Windows 10 delete environment variable command line free

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Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Windows has the setx command:. To permanently remove the variable from the user environment which is the default place setx puts it :.

If the variable is set in the system environment e. Note: The REG commands above won't affect any existing processes and some new processes that are forked from existing processesso if it's important for the change to take effect immediately, the easiest and surest thing /22936.txt do windows 10 delete environment variable command line free log out and back in or reboot.

If this isn't an option or you want to dig deeper, some of the other answers here have some great suggestions that may suit your use case. To remove the variable from the current command session without removing it permanently, use the regular built-in set command - just put nothing after the equals sign:. To confirm, run set with no arguments and check the current environment. The variable should be missing from the list entirely. Note : this will only remove the variable from the current environment - it will not persist the change to the registry.

When a new command process is started, продолжить variable will be back. This has been covered quite a bit, but there's a crucial piece of information that's missing. Hopefully, I can help to clear up how this works and give some relief to weary travellers. Obviously, everyone knows that you just do this to delete an environment variable from your current process:. Here's the magic information that's missing!

You're wondering why after you do this, when you launch a new command window, the environment variable is still there. The reason is because explorer. When one process launches another, the new process inherits the environment from the process that launched it. There are two ways to fix this without rebooting. Windows 10 delete environment variable command line free most brute-force way is to kill your explorer.

You can do that from Task Manager. I don't recommend this method, however. The other way is by telling explorer. This can be accomplished with a simple PowerShell script. So to delete a user environment variable named "FOO" and have the change reflected in processes you launch afterwards, do the following. Note, you'll probably have to update your PowerShell settings to allow you to run this script, but I'll leave that as a Google-fu exercise for you. From PowerShell you can use the.

NET [System. Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable method:. To remove a system windows 10 delete environment variable command line free environment variable named FOO - requires elevation must be run as administrator :.

Aside from faster execution, the advantage over the reg. The OP's question indeed has been answered extensively, including how to avoid rebooting through powershell, vbscript, or you name it. However, if you need to stick to cmd commands only and don't have the luxury of being able to call powershell or vbscript, you could use the following approach:. So the magic here is that by using "setx" to assign something to a variable you don't need in my example DUMMYyou force Explorer.

You then clean up that dummy, and even though that one will stay in Explorer's environment for a little while longer, it will probably not harm anyone. Or if after deleting variables you need to set new ones, then you don't even need any dummy.

Just using SETX to set the new variables will automatically clear the ones you just removed from any new cmd tasks that might get started. Background information: I just windows 10 delete environment variable command line free this approach successfully to replace a set of user variables by system variables of the same name on all of the computers at my job, by modifying an existing cmd script.

There are too many computers to do it manually, nor was it practical to copy extra powershell or vbscripts to all of them. The reason I urgently needed to replace user with system variables was that user variables get synchronized in roaming profiles 10 location free think about thatso multiple machines using the same windows login but needing different values, got mixed up.

I agree with CupawnTae. The command in DougWare's answer did not work, but this did:. Although, it shows with the set command with the "" so maybe double-quotes is the string. Windows 7 32 bit, using the command prompt, non-administrator is what I used. I'm using RegEdit not as administrator. You can also create a small VBScript script:. By the way I just figured out how to unset a permanent variable that you've set using setx.

Смотрите подробнее Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more. Command line to remove an environment variable from the OS level configuration Ask Question.

Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. Modified 2 months ago. Viewed k times. Windows has the setx 7 home basic bit iso free Description: Creates or modifies environment variables in the user or system environment. It stays in the registry: So how would you actually remove the variable? Peter /23409.txt 30k 21 21 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. You're just blanking it with that привожу ссылку. Since it took me a fair amount of digging, also see superuser.

Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first. CupawnTae CupawnTae This solution doesn't seem to work windows 10 delete environment variable command line free or I'm misunderstanding something basic.

Open new cmd. Search of registry show no windows 10 delete environment variable command line free of 'JUNK'.

Please don't tell me you need a reboot! Thanks for the reply. I am opening a new command window from the Start menu. I have tried both versions of the command. In fact, the first time when I type the user environment command, it succeeds. Then, when I retype the command I get The system was unable to find the specified registry or key windows 10 delete environment variable command line free.

Also, a global search for JUNK in the registry with regedit turns up nothing. What do you suppose the rational is for that??

Thanks a mil for the awesome diligence. The environment is not re-initialized from the registry until you log in again. You can combine the 2 commands to remove it from the current environment which will remove it from the SET list for the next cmd shell and then remove microsoft office 2016 jokergame from the windows 10 delete environment variable command line free, e.

The reason the environment doesn't seem to get updated without rebooting is because explorer. See my answer for full explanation and solution. Show 4 ссылка на подробности comments. Luke 4 4 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges. Brian Kelly Brian Kelly 1, 7 7 silver badges 2 2 bronze badges. This is definitely NOT the answer, and I find it disturbing that there are so many up-votes.

This is only effective for the current command session. Crank up a new command window, and the var is back. This answered the question in the question title. So obviously the question title needed to be more specific. Secondly, your point suggests that the details portion of the question are irrelevant. I guess people find it useful even if it doesn't answer the actual question, in which case maybe it deserves the upvotes does it? At least it's not marked as accepted, which would be misleading.

I'm supposed to comment why I downvoted. Obviously because this only works in the current session. Show 6 more comments. Save the PowerShell script to a file we'll call it updateenv.

Close and reopen your command prompt, and you'll see that the environment variable is no longer defined. Jamie Jamie 1, 16 16 silver badges 30 30 bronze badges. Is there any particular reason you don't recommend killing and restarting explorer? I do it all the time.



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