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By contrast, the largest social networking site, Facebook, originally had a focus of connecting friends and family. For many, Facebook is much more than a way to keep connected with friends and family. It has expanded to include news sites, entertainment sites, and a powerful way for businesses and organizations to connect with their audience. There are many social networking sites, each with its own unique features and interactions.

For a list of some of the most popular sites, see Figure These communication alternatives offer greater flexibility and security; however, they are often more complex to set up and maintain. Many individuals create personal websites, called blogs, to keep in touch with friends and family. Blog postings are time-stamped and arranged with the newest item first. Often, readers of these sites are allowed to comment. Some blogs are like online diaries with personal information; others focus on information about a hobby or theme, such as knitting, electronic devices, or good books.

Although most are written by individual bloggers, there are also group blogs with multiple contributors. Some businesses and newspapers also have started blogging as a quick publishing method. Several sites provide tools to create blogs.

Two of the most widely used are Blogger and WordPress. Much like a blog, a microblog allows an individual or company to share posts with an audience. However, microblogs are designed to be used with mobile devices and limit the size of posts.

For example, Twitter, one of the most popular microblogging sites, limits posts, also known as tweets, to characters. Instagram, another popular microblogging site, is designed to share images and videos posts, with little to no written content. For example, Taylor Swift has over 83 million followers on Twitter. Podcasts are audio programs delivered over the Internet. Typically, a podcast is one audio program in a series of related podcasts. For example, The Science of Happiness podcast offers a series of episodes presenting tips for a happier life.

Podcasts vary widely, from daily news to arts and comedy shows. For a list of popular podcasts, see Figure Perhaps the most famous example is Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, written and edited by anyone who wants to contribute, that has millions of entries in over 20 languages. Creating blogs and wikis are examples of web authoring.

We will discuss web authoring software in detail in Chapter 3. News feeds? Share settings? What are blogs? What is a wiki? What is Wikipedia? Messaging Electronic messaging is a popular way to communicate quickly and efficiently with friends, family, and co-workers. This form of communication is particularly common on cell phones, where messages are short and informal, and instantaneous responses are the standard.

The two most widely used forms of electronic messaging are text and instant messaging. Today, billions of people send text messages every day. It has become one of the most widely used ways to send very short messages from one individual to another.

Although popular and convenient, there are downsides to using this technology in the wrong context. A great deal of attention has been directed toward texting while driving. A study by Car and Driver concluded that texting while driving had a greater negative impact on driver safety than being drunk. Several states have passed laws prohibiting texting while driving.

Whenever you connect to the Internet, your IM service is notified. It then notifies your friends who are available to chat and notifies your friends who are online that you are available.

You can then send messages directly back and forth. Most instant messaging programs also include video conferencing features, file sharing, and remote assistance. Many businesses routinely use these instant messaging features. E-mail exchanges tend to take longer to write and are more carefully crafted than text message exchanges, which make them ideal for business communications and newsletters. A typical e-mail message has four basic elements: header, message, signature, and attachment.

The e-mail message in Figure is to [email protected] , copied to [email protected] , and sent from [email protected] E-mail addresses have two basic parts. The server providing e-mail service for the recipient is usc. The top-level domain indicates that the provider is an educational institution. Subject lines typically are displayed when a person checks his or her mailbox.

Figure Two parts of an e-mail address The letter or message comes next. Following the message, the signature identifies the sender. Many e-mail programs allow you to include files such as documents and images as attachments. If a message has an attachment, the file name typically appears at the end of the e-mail. There are two basic types of e-mail systems: client-based and web-based. Before you can begin e-mailing, you need to run the e-mail client from your computer, which communicates with the e-mail service provider.

This is known as webmail. Most Internet service providers offer webmail services. For individual use, webmail is more widely used because it frees the user from installing and maintaining an e-mail client on every computer used to access e-mail.

With webmail, you can access your e-mail from any computer anywhere that has Internet access. Here are a few spamreducing suggestions: Keep a low profile. Many spammers collect e-mail addresses from personal web pages, social networking sites, and message boards.

Be cautious when posting your address. Use caution when giving out your address. Many companies collect and sell e-mail addresses to spammers. Be sure to read the privacy policy of a site before providing your address. Many are a trick to validate active e-mail addresses.

These addresses are worth more to spammers, who then sell the addresses to other spammers. Use antispam and filter options. Most e-mail programs and web-based e-mail services have antispam and filter options that can be configured. Use them. E-mail can be a valuable asset in your personal and professional life. However, like many other valuable technologies, there are drawbacks too. Americans receive billions of unwanted and unsolicited e-mails every year.

This unwelcome mail is called spam. Although spam is indeed a distraction and nuisance, it also can be dangerous.

For example, computer viruses or destructive programs are often attached to unsolicited e-mail. Computer viruses will be discussed in Chapter4. In an attempt to control spam, antispam laws have been added to our legal system. Failure to do so results in heavy fines. This approach, however, has had minimal impact since over 80 percent of all spam originates from servers outside the United States.

A more effective approach to controlling spam has been the development and use of spam blockers, also known as spam filters. Most e-mail programs provide spam-blocking capabilities. Define e-mail header, address, subject, message, signature, and attachment. What are the two types of e-mail systems? What are viruses, spam, spam blockers, and spam filters?

Search Tools The web can be an incredible resource, providing information on nearly any topic imaginable. Are you interested in music? Writing a paper on the environment? Looking for a movie review? Trying to locate a long-lost friend? Information sources related to these questions, and much, much more, are available on the web.

With over 20 billion pages and more being added daily, the web is a massive collection of interrelated pages. With so much available information, locating the precise information you need can be difficult.

Fortunately, a number of organizations called search services operate websites that can help you locate the information you need. Search services maintain huge databases relating to information provided on the web and the Internet. The information stored at these databases includes addresses, content descriptions or classifications, and keywords appearing on web pages and other Internet informational resources. Additionally, search services provide special programs called search engines that you can use to locate specific information on the web.

Search Engines Search engines are specialized programs that assist you in locating information on the web and the Internet. See Figure for a list of commonly used search engines. Figure Search engines To use a search website, you enter a keyword or phrase reflecting the information you want.

The search engine compares your entry against its database and returns the search result, or a list of sites on that topic. Each search result includes a link to the referenced web page or other resource along with a brief discussion of the information contained at that location.

Many searches result in a large number of search results. For example, if you were to enter the keyword music, you would get billions of sites on that topic.

Search engines order the search results according to those sites that most likely contain the information requested and present the list to you in that order, usually in groups of Because each search service maintains its own database, the search results returned by one search engine will not necessarily be the same results returned by another search engine.

Therefore, when researching a topic, it is best to use more than one search engine. Content Evaluation Search engines are excellent tools to locate information on the web. Be careful, however, how you use the information you find.

Unlike most published material found in newspapers, journals, and textbooks, not all the information you find on the web has been subjected to strict guidelines to ensure accuracy. In fact, anyone can publish content on the web.

Some sites promote fake news or information that is inaccurate or biased. Many of these sites are designed to look like legitimate news sites. Is the author an expert in the subject area? Read beyond the headlines and consult other reputable sources on any surprising claims to separate the real news from the fake.

Headlines can be misleading and fake news articles often make their statements seem accurate by referencing other fake news articles. Is the information factually reported, or does the author have a bias? Is the information up to date? Does the site specify the date when the site was updated? If not, the site is most likely not being actively maintained. What is fake news? Deep fakes?

What are the four considerations for evaluating website content? Electronic Commerce Electronic commerce, also known as e-commerce, is the buying and selling of goods over the Internet.

Electronic commerce is fast-growing and widely used in part because it provides incentives for both buyers and sellers. Another advantage is reduced inventory. Traditional stores maintain an inventory of goods in their stores and periodically replenish this inventory from warehouses. With e-commerce, there is no in-store inventory and products are shipped directly from warehouses.

While there are numerous advantages to e-commerce, there are disadvantages as well. Although these issues are being addressed, very few observers suggest that ecommerce will replace bricks-and-mortar businesses entirely. It is clear that both will coexist and that e-commerce will continue to grow. Just like any other type of commerce, electronic commerce involves two parties: businesses and consumers.

It is the fastest-growing type of e-commerce. Whether large or small, nearly every existing corporation in the United States provides some type of B2C support as another means to connect to customers. Because extensive investments are not required to create traditional retail outlets and to maintain large marketing and sales staffs, e-commerce allows start-up companies to compete with larger established firms.

The three most widely used B2C applications are for online banking, financial trading, and shopping. C2C often takes the form of an electronic version of the classified ads or an auction. Web auctions are similar to traditional auctions except that buyers and sellers seldom, if ever, meet face to face. Sellers post descriptions of products at a website, and buyers submit bids electronically.

Like traditional auctions, sometimes the bidding becomes highly competitive and enthusiastic. One of the most widely used auction sites is eBay. For a list of some of the most popular web auction sites, see Figure This is typically a manufacturer—supplier relationship. For example, a furniture manufacturer requires raw materials such as wood, paint, and varnish. Figure Auction sites concept check What is electronic commerce?

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of electonic commerce? Security The two greatest challenges for e-commerce are 1 developing fast, secure, and reliable payment methods for purchased goods and 2 providing convenient ways to submit required information such as mailing addresses and credit card information.

Credit card fraud, however, is a major concern for both buyers and sellers. We will discuss this and other privacy and security issues related to the Internet in Chapter 9. Buyers purchase digital cash from a third party a bank that specializes in electronic currency and use it to purchase goods. Most digital cash is a digital version of traditional currency, such that a digital U.

However, some digital cash, like bitcoin, have no traditional cash equivalent and exist only on the Internet. Sellers convert the digital cash to traditional currency through the third party. Although not as convenient as credit card purchases, digital cash is more secure. For a list of digital cash providers, see Figure While some suggest that cloud computing is merely a marketing term designed to promote new products, many others see cloud computing as a new model for computing that frees users from owning, maintaining, and storing software and data.

It provides access to these services from anywhere through an Internet connection. Several prominent firms are aggressively pursuing this new concept. The basic components of cloud computing are clients, the Internet, and service providers.

This access is to be available anywhere and anytime that a connection to the Internet is available. End users do not need to buy, install, and maintain application programs and data. These providers may charge a fee or the services may be free. For example, researchers are currently experimenting with sensor-equipped clothing that works with smart thermostats to automatically adjust room conditions to individuals.

Other technologies in development include more devices connected to motion sensors, which can reduce electricity usage considerably. You will also learn about security and privacy challenges associated with cloud computing. What are the three basic components of cloud computing? What are the two most critical factors that determine the efficiency of cloud computing? The Internet of Things The Internet is becoming more and more a part of our lives. As discussed in Chapter 1, the Internet of Things IoT is the continuing development of the Internet that allows everyday objects embedded with electronic devices to send and receive data over the Internet.

These everyday objects include cell phones, wearable devices, and even coffeemakers. For example, the Fitbit is a bracelet that monitors health data and sends that data to your cell phone or personal web page. Google Nest is a collection of IoT devices for the home that allow you to answer your front door when you are not home, improve home security, and automate your home thermostat. These reports provide information about your health, including your heart rate, steps taken each day, and an estimate of daily calories burned.

How do they work together? The job may include backup of the company website, updating of resources, or development of new resources. Webmasters are often involved in the design and development of the website. Some webmasters monitor traffic on the site and take steps to encourage users to visit the site. Webmasters also may work with marketing personnel to increase site traffic and may be involved in the development of web promotions. Those with experience using web authoring software and programs like Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Dreamweaver are often preferred.

Good communication and organizational skills are vital in this position. This position is relatively new in many corporations and tends to have fluid responsibilities.

With technological advances and increasing corporate emphasis on a web presence, experience in this field could lead to managerial opportunities. Smart homes can offer all these solutions. Smart homes of the future will do so much more! The smart home of the future will have furniture that can monitor and improve your health, rooms that can expand and contract as your needs change, and gardens that farm themselves and turn compost into energy.

Researchers at Cambridge Consultants are working on even smarter homes that will reduce waste, increase savings, and make for a more sustainable world. The smart home of the future will have smart trash cans that monitor and separate waste, recyclables, and compostable trash. Recyclables and compost can be repurposed within the home to create energy and reduce carbon emissions. It will monitor and adjust energy use based on your needs and the energy sources available. Interconnected IOT devices will work together to maximize their efficiency to make for a lower energy home.

Devices monitor inside and outside temperature, news and weather reports, and fluctuating power availability from home solar panels and community wind turbines. These homes will also use sensors in the home to predict energy needs, such as increased hot water in the mornings when people shower and reduced air conditioning when you go away for a weekend.

Your smart home in the future will not just use less energy. It will use less space as well. Researchers at Samsung envision a home of smart walls that use adjustable surfaces and actuators to change the size of a room effectively, making empty rooms smaller and occupied rooms larger.

When you are entertaining guests, the walls will reposition to create extra seating directly out of the wall. When the guests leave, the extra seating disappears back into the wall. While these advances sound great, perhaps the greatest advantages of a smart home will be the ability to improve health and longevity. Currently, researchers are investigating the ways that IoT devices can help people make healthier choices. The smart home of the future will monitor your health and adjust your home to make healthier choices, from furniture that reads your posture and guides you to improve how you sit, to refrigerators that monitor your food intake and promote healthier dining choices.

IoT and Web 4. Of course, these advances include an increase in potential risks. A home that records every movement and activity could be used to spy on you.

Finally, by putting your security and privacy in the hands of a smart home, you risk that smart home being hacked and opening your home to criminals. Are the conveniences of the smart home of the future worth the risks to your privacy and security?

What smart home features exist right now that you would like to have? What smart home features that researchers are working on would be most valuable to you?

Four generations: Web 1. Providers Internet service providers connected to the Internet provide a path to access the Internet.

Connection technologies include DSL, cable, and wireless modems. Browsers Browsers mobile and desktop provide access to web resources. To efficiently and effectively use computers, you need to be aware of resources available on the Internet and web, to be able to access these resources, to effectively communicate electronically, to efficiently locate information, to understand electronic commerce, and to use web utilities.

Web utilities are specialized utility programs that make using the Internet and the web easier and safer. Filters Filters are used by parents and organizations to block certain sites and to monitor use of the Internet and the web. File Transfer Utilities File transfer utilities copy files to downloading and from uploading your computer. Internet Security Suite An Internet security suite is a collection of utility programs designed to protect your privacy and security on the Internet.

Common features include profiles, pages, groups, friends, news feeds, and share settings. Two well-known sites are LinkedIn and Facebook. Blogs, Microblogs, Podcasts, and Wikis Other sites that help individuals communicate across the web are blogs, microblogs, podcasts, and wikis. Some are like online diaries. Businesses, newspapers, and others also use blogs as a quick publishing method. Twitter allows characters per tweet. Instagram is primarily used to share images and videos. Wikipedia is one of the most popular wikis.

Texting while driving is very dangerous and illegal in several states. Most instant messaging programs also include videoconferencing features, file sharing, and remote assistance. E-mail E-mail electronic mail is the transmission of electronic messages. A typical e-mail has three basic elements: header including address, subject, and perhaps attachment , message, and signature. Spam is unwanted and unsolicited e-mail that may include a computer virus or destructive programs often attached to unsolicited e-mail.

Spiders are programs that update these databases. Search Engines Search engines are specialized programs to help locate information. To use, enter a keyword or phrase, and a list of search results is displayed. Content Evaluation Not all information you find on the web has been subjected to strict guidelines to ensure accuracy. Many sites allow anyone to post new material, sometimes anonymously and without critical evaluation. Many fake news sites are designed to look like legitimate news sites.

Is the author an expert? Consult other reputable sources to verify surprising claims. Fake news articles often reference other fake news articles. Is the information factual or does the author have a bias? Does the site specify when information is updated?

Web auctions are similar to traditional auctions except buyers and sellers rarely, if ever, meet face to face. Two types are credit cards and digital cash. Objects include cell phones, wearable devices, and even coffeemakers.

LAN d. The rules for exchanging data between computers. DSL b. WWW 3. Computer software has to be "loaded" into the computer's storage such as the hard drive or memory. Once the software has loaded, the computer is able to execute the software. This involves passing instructions from the application software, through the system software, to the hardware which ultimately receives the instruction as machine code. Each instruction causes the computer to carry out an operation—moving data, carrying out a computation , or altering the control flow of instructions.

Data movement is typically from one place in memory to another. Sometimes it involves moving data between memory and registers which enable high-speed data access in the CPU.

Moving data, especially large amounts of it, can be costly; this is sometimes avoided by using "pointers" to data instead. More complex computations may involve many operations and data elements together. Software quality is very important, especially for commercial and system software.

If software is faulty, it can delete a person's work, crash the computer and do other unexpected things. Faults and errors are called " bugs " which are often discovered during alpha and beta testing. Many bugs are discovered and fixed through software testing. However, software testing rarely—if ever—eliminates every bug; some programmers say that "every program has at least one more bug" Lubarsky's Law.

The software's license gives the user the right to use the software in the licensed environment, and in the case of free software licenses , also grants other rights such as the right to make copies. Proprietary software can be divided into two types:. Open-source software comes with a free software license, granting the recipient the rights to modify and redistribute the software. Software patents, like other types of patents, are theoretically supposed to give an inventor an exclusive, time-limited license for a detailed idea e.

Ideas for useful things that software could do , and user requirements , are not supposed to be patentable, and concrete implementations i.

So software patents are supposed to cover the middle area, between requirements and concrete implementation. In some countries, a requirement for the claimed invention to have an effect on the physical world may also be part of the requirements for a software patent to be held valid—although since all useful software has effects on the physical world, this requirement may be open to debate.

Meanwhile, American copyright law was applied to various aspects of the writing of the software code. Software patents are controversial in the software industry with many people holding different views about them. One of the sources of controversy is that the aforementioned split between initial ideas and patent does not seem to be honored in practice by patent lawyers—for example the patent for aspect-oriented programming AOP , which purported to claim rights over any programming tool implementing the idea of AOP, howsoever implemented.

Design and implementation of software varies depending on the complexity of the software. For instance, the design and creation of Microsoft Word took much more time than designing and developing Microsoft Notepad because the former has much more basic functionality. Software is usually developed in integrated development environments IDE like Eclipse , IntelliJ and Microsoft Visual Studio that can simplify the process and compile the software.

For instance, the Spring Framework is used for implementing enterprise applications , the Windows Forms library is used for designing graphical user interface GUI applications like Microsoft Word, and Windows Communication Foundation is used for designing web services. Close and Form1. Show [21] to close or open the application. Without these APIs, the programmer needs to write these functionalities entirely themselves. Our algorithms flag grammar and writing issues and provide smart suggestions Get started.

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For example, a company may plan on releasing … Shopping cart Not rated yet Shopping cart Alternatively referred to as a cart, a shopping cart is a feature found in online shopping and e-commerce websites for adding multiple … Ship Not rated yet Ship When referring to computers or related products, ship refers to when a product is sent out to the retail stores and will be available to be purchased … Click here to write your own. Service Level Agreement Not rated yet Service Level Agreement SLA may refer to any of the following: Short for Service-level agreement, SLA is the measurable level of service a company … Service Not rated yet Service A service may refer to any of the following: In general, a service refers to work that is performed by one or more people that benefits … Server Not rated yet Server A server is a software or hardware device that accepts and responds to requests made over a network.

The device that makes the request, and … Salutation Not rated yet Salutation In general, a salutation is a welcome or greeting message. Robocalls use specialized systems to play prerecorded messages or synthesized … RMA Not rated yet RMA Short for return materials authorization or return merchandise authorization, RMA is a form set up by the manufacturer that allows the customer … RFP Not rated yet RFP Short for request for proposal, RFP is a document submitted to a manufacturer or vendor asking for them what they'd charge to develop a certain … Resume Not rated yet Resume Resume may refer to any of the following: To continue something after an interruption.

For example, if you pause a video or a song when … Reseller Not rated yet Reseller A reseller is a person or company that sells a product or service they've bought from another person, company, or distributor.

Why … Report Not rated yet Report Report may refer to either of the following: On the Internet, to report is to notify the administrator of a website or application about … Repair shop Not rated yet Repair shop Alternatively referred to as a repair store, service center, and repair center, a repair shop is a companies department or a third-party … Repair Not rated yet Repair Repair is the act of correcting, fixing, or replacing components of an object to make it function properly.

When a computer or computer component … Registration card Not rated yet Registration card A registration card is an insert included with a product that allows a user to send a company information about themselves or the … Registered user Not rated yet Registered user A registered user may refer to any of the following: A registered user is an individual who has sent in his or her information … Register Not rated yet Register A register may refer to any of the following: When referring to a CPU, the terms internal register, internal data bus, or register refer … Refurbish Not rated yet Refurbish Refurbish is the process of restoring a device or piece of hardware to "like new" condition for resale.

While buyers should exercise caution … Reference Not rated yet Reference A reference may refer to any of the following: A reference is the act of mentioning something in writing or speech to backup a statement … Recall Not rated yet Recall A recall is the process that involves requesting a product or a portion of the product to be returned because of safety issues or serious defect.

These tasks include managing finances, creating and printing invoices, … Click here to write your own. A work … Prototype Not rated yet Prototype An early version of a product that has not been manufactured or released is referred to as prototype.

Prototypes allow engineers or other … Proprietary software Not rated yet Proprietary software Proprietary software may refer to any of the following: Proprietary software, also known as closed-source software, is copyrighted … Proprietary Not rated yet Proprietary Proprietary is a term used to describe a product that is only compatible with a specific hardware, software, computer, or manufacturer.

Privacy fears Computer privacy … Presentation software Not rated yet Presentation software A presentation program is a software program that helps create a slideshow that addresses a topic.

Short … Plagiarism Not rated yet Plagiarism The term plagiarism is used to describe the act of taking another individual's work and claiming it as yours.

To prevent plagiarism, either … Piracy Not rated yet Piracy Software piracy is a term used to describe the act of illegally using, copying or distributing software without ownership or legal rights. Any Paypal user may securely transfer money using their bank or credit … Click here to write your own. Paperless Not rated yet Paperless Paperless is a concept that involves the elimination of all paper use in the home, office, or school environment. It is a blanket term describing … Owner Not rated yet Owner An owner may refer to any of the following: An owner is the individual, computer, or software program that created a file or document.

For … Outsource Not rated yet Outsource When a company contracts portions of its workload out to or seeks the resources of another organization, it is called outsourcing. It is designed for use by businesses, specifically … Oracle Beehive Not rated yet Oracle Beehive Oracle Beehive is a collection of programs and utilities that allow multiple users to work together and collaborate on documents, presentations, … Operation Research Not rated yet Operation Research Sometimes abbreviated as OR, operation research is a type of research that studies an operation and what makes it successful.

Open source allows users or organizations … Open Not rated yet Open Open may refer to any of the following: In general, open refers to something that can be accessed or viewed. When referring to computer … Online Shopping Not rated yet Online Shopping The process of searching for and purchasing goods and services over the Internet through the use of a web browser is known as online … Online Payment Service Not rated yet Online Payment Service An online payment system is a company and service to assist in making a financial transaction to another person or company … Online Banking Not rated yet Online Banking Online banking is an Internet-based service offered by many banks and credit unions.

Instead of visiting a local branch, account holders … Onboarding Not rated yet Onboarding Onboard may refer to any of the following: Alternatively referred to as integrated, onboard is a term used to describe a hardware component … Office Not rated yet Office The term office may refer to any of the following: In general, an office is a name given to a location or room where someone works, or business … Obsolete Not rated yet Obsolete When referring to technology, the term obsolete describes a computer, hardware, or software that is considered outdated, no longer useful, … OA Not rated yet OA Short for office automation, OA is the computer hardware and software that creates, stores, edits, and processes office information to accomplish … NFR Not rated yet NFR Short for not for resale, NFR is a label found on CDs and DVDs included with new computers that are often trial copies.

These discs should not … New Not rated yet New New may refer to any of the following: In general, new is a term that describes anything created that did not exist before. It is most commonly accomplished … MIS Not rated yet MIS MIS management information system is a department, or set of procedures, for maintaining and organizing management with information necessary … Microsoft Teams Not rated yet Microsoft Teams Introduced in , Microsoft Teams is a program included in the Microsoft Office suite of business applications.

It combines … Micropayments Not rated yet Micropayments Micropayments are transactions of small amounts of currency, usually online. Paypal defines a microtransaction as a transaction of less … Merchandise Not rated yet Merchandise Merch is a shorthand term commonly used online in place of the word "merchandise. Memos are usually stored in the form of text files or audio recordings.

Many … Member Not rated yet Member A member is someone who belongs to a particular group or society. Any website that requires a registration or enrollment will register you … Markup Not rated yet Markup A markup may refer to any of the following: With a word processor and some other text editors, markup are comments and tracked changes that … Manufacturer Not rated yet Manufacturer A manufacturer is a company that is responsible for making or putting together a particular product.

For example, Dell is a computer … Manual Not rated yet Manual Alternatively referred to as documentation or end-user documentation, a manual is a book or pamphlet that contains information about a program … Mail in Rebate Not rated yet Mail in Rebate Short for mail in rebate, MIR is a term used to describe a reimbursement sent through the mail. Often, a computer manufacturer have … Magnetic card Not rated yet Magnetic card A magnetic card is a card that contains either a magnetic strip or a magnetic object in the card, encoded with digital data.

For example, Computer Hope is a site dedicated to helping all users with computers in … Click here to write your own. Knowledge base Not rated yet Knowledge base Sometimes abbreviated as KB, a knowledge base is a central location that contains information about a company, product, or service. When talking about a camera, ISO is a setting that adjusts how sensitive … IS Not rated yet IS IS may refer to any of the following: IS is an acronym for image stabilization, a technique used to correct blurring on digital cameras.

IPB allows a technician or customer service … Introduction Not rated yet Introduction An introduction may refer to any of the following: The introduction in a document, usually the first or several paragraphs, provides … Internet Not rated yet Internet Alternatively referred to as the net or web, the Internet interconnected network was initially developed to aid in the progress of computing … Internal Not rated yet Internal Internal may refer to any of the following: Internal is a term used to describe a device that is installed in the computer.

Not rated yet Inc. INC may refer to any of the following: Short for incorporated, Inc. For example, a howto could be written describing … Help Desk Not rated yet Help Desk Department or Job designed with assisting users with their computer-related questions and issues. A help desk only supports employees in … Hazard Not rated yet Hazard A hazard may refer to any of the following: For computers, a hazard is anything that poses a threat to a computer's security, performance, … Graphic Artist Not rated yet Graphic Artist A graphic artist is an individual who specializes in or has a profession of designing computer graphics.

Any software author may use the GPL to legally control … Googleplex Not rated yet Googleplex Constructed in July , Googleplex is the name of the main headquarters of Alphabet Inc, which is the parent company of Google.

Its name … Click here to write your own. In other words, the part that needs to be replaced … Freelancer Not rated yet Freelancer A freelancer is an independent contractor.

The use of independent contractors can be used for a multitude of industries. It is fairly commonplace … Free Not rated yet Free Free may refer to any of the following: Free is a Linux command that displays the amount of free memory in Linux. What is an Operating … Fab Not rated yet Fab Fab may refer to any of the following: With integrated circuits and semiconductors, a fab is a term commonly used to describe a fabrication … Extension Not rated yet Extension An extension may refer to any of the following: In general, an extension is a part that is added to something that extends or enlarges … Expire Not rated yet Expire To terminate or come to an end.

For example, a shareware program may expire after days, making the user either purchase the program, or … Expert Not rated yet Expert An expert is a person with an extensive knowledge of a subject e. Etiquette Not rated yet Etiquette In general, etiquette refers to a code, manners or set of rules that allow you to behave and interact correctly with other users in a social … Ethics Not rated yet Ethics The advent of computers and the Internet has changed the way we communicate, learn, and do business.

Below is … Engineer Not rated yet Engineer An engineer is an individual who has a degree or is highly skilled in a particular field. For example, a hardware engineer is an individual … End User Not rated yet End User An end user is an individual who uses hardware or software programmed or designed by another person who does not support that product.

Most … Downsizing Not rated yet Downsizing Downsizing may refer to any of the following: Downsizing is the process of replacing mainframe or minicomputer-based computer system … DoorDash Not rated yet DoorDash Created in , DoorDash is an on-demand service for universal food delivery.

Copyright law … Discontinue Not rated yet Discontinue To discontinue describes any product that is no longer made, updated, or supported. For example, Microsoft discontinued mainstream support … Disaster Recovery Not rated yet Disaster Recovery Disaster recovery is a company's set of rules and tools to ensure the recovery of data and the continuation of business after a … Developer Not rated yet Developer A developer is an individual who is responsible for creating or working on the development of a product or service.

Most developers utilize … Deprecated Not rated yet Deprecated Term used when describing software or a feature that may still work, but should be avoided when developing as it may be removed in the … Department Store Not rated yet Department Store Retail When used as a noun, retail describes the sale of a product by a business the retailer to a consumer. When used … De Facto Standard Not rated yet De Facto Standard When referring to computers, a de facto standard is an accepted application, design, or language standard that is used throughout … E-mail Not rated yet E-mail Short for electronic mail, e-mail or email is information stored on a computer that is exchanged between two users over telecommunications.

For … Electronic Office Not rated yet Electronic Office An electronic office is an office or work environment that is utilizing electronic methods of storing and using documents over using … Dedicated Customer Service Not rated yet Dedicated Customer Service Dedicated Dedicated is a term that describes a person or thing devoted to a single function, purpose, or service.

Dead Not rated yet Dead Dead may refer to any of the following: Dead is a term used to describe a computer component that is no longer functioning and cannot be fixed. If JavaScript is enabled, you should see the current date and time below. The EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation is a worldwide non-profit … E-commerce Not rated yet E-commerce Short for electronic commerce, e-commerce or e-business is any purchase or distribution of services and products on the Internet.

Consultants often are hired at … Cookbook Not rated yet Cookbook Instructions on how to perform a task or correct an issue. Like a cookbook for food recipes, these instructions are written step-by-step. For example, "Chicago" was the codename … Cobot Not rated yet Cobot Cobot may refer to any of the following: In general, cobot is shorthand for collaborative robot. This abstract "cloud" … Client Not rated yet Client A client may refer to any of the following: A client is a computer that connects to and uses the resources of a remote computer, or server.

For example, the classification … Chilling Effect Not rated yet Chilling Effect A chilling effect is a term used to describe censorship that is caused when someone is afraid of creating or posting content because … Click here to write your own. It allows manufacturers and developers to display and talk about … CEO Not rated yet CEO CEO, short for chief executive officer, is an executive-level person in charge of managing a company. A call center … Calendar Not rated yet Calendar A calendar may refer to any of the following: A calendar is a visual representation of months and days for any given year.

What … BYOD Not rated yet BYOD With the advancements in technology and the cost reduction of obtaining it, most people have mobile computing devices, like laptops, tablets, … Brown Box Not rated yet Brown Box A brown box is a hardware product that includes only the necessary products needed to install into a computer.

When used as … B2B Not rated yet B2B Short for business-to-business, B2B refers to the exchange of goods and services between businesses instead of between a business and a consumer. On the Internet, web analytics is the collection of network traffic and metadata, … Amazon Flex Not rated yet Amazon Flex Introduced in , Amazon Flex is a platform that allows items purchased from Amazon.

For example, many technical support departments have … Affiliate Program Not rated yet Affiliate Program A company or website that directs customers to other businesses or websites, and receives compensation for the referral. The compensation … Advertising Not rated yet Advertising Advertise may refer to any of the following: When referring to the Internet, the term advertise describes text or images placed on … Administrator Not rated yet Administrator An administrator may refer to any of the following: Alternatively referred to as an admin, administrator, and gatekeeper, root is … Address Book Not rated yet Address Book Alternatively referred to as an phone book, a address book is an electronic storage of individuals' names, phone numbers, extensions, … Acceptable Use Policy Not rated yet Acceptable Use Policy Short for acceptable use policy, AUP is an agreement made between the user and company on how a service can be used.

By utilizing … Click here to write your own. Its dimensions are x mm, or 8. Not rated yet PowerNow! The larger the mAH value, the more charge it's capable of holding.

For … Li-polymer Not rated yet Li-polymer Short for lithium-polymer, Li-polymer is a battery technology that is a lower cost version of the Li-ion that first started being used … Li-Ion Not rated yet Li-Ion Short for lithium-ion and sometimes abbreviated as Li-on, Li-ion is a fragile technology requiring a protector circuit.

It is used where very … Intelligent Battery Not rated yet Intelligent Battery Alternatively referred to as an intelligent battery, a smart battery is a portable computer battery that keeps a computer up-to-date … Coin Cell Battery Not rated yet Coin Cell Battery Alternatively referred to as a button cell or watch battery, a coin cell battery is a battery for retaining important system settings … Charger Not rated yet Charger A charger refers to any device that puts energy into a battery by sending an electric current through it.

Some common items that require chargers … Click here to write your own. Charge Not rated yet Charge Charge may refer to any of the following: To charge an electronic device is to add power to the device's battery, allowing it to store the … Battery Slice Not rated yet Battery Slice Thin battery attached to the bottom of some laptop computers to increase the overall battery life, sometimes by up to hours.

A battery … Battery Backup Not rated yet Battery Backup Hardware device used to supply power to computers and peripherals for a short time if the power happens to be low or removed. A battery … Batteries Not rated yet Batteries A battery is a hardware component that supplies power to a device, enabling that device to work without a power cord.

It is named after computer … Speech Synthesis Not rated yet Speech Synthesis A computerized replication of a human's voice. Speech synthesis is commonly accomplished by either piecing together words that have … Siri Not rated yet Siri Siri is software for the HomePod, iPhone, and macOS from Apple that provides the user with a personal assistant that can perform various tasks … Singularity Not rated yet Singularity In math and science, a singularity is a point on an object that is undefined or infinite.

What is an … Quick, Draw! Not rated yet Quick, Draw! Quick, Draw! The user draws a picture and the AI tries to guess … Python Not rated yet Python Python may refer to any of the following: Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language that was first developed … Prolog Not rated yet Prolog Short for programming in logic or programation et logique French , prolog is a programming language developed by Alain Colmeraur and his colleagues … Neural Network Not rated yet Neural Network A neural network simulates intelligence based on how a human brain receives and processes information.

It is sometimes referred to … Natural Language Processing Not rated yet Natural Language Processing Sometimes abbreviated as NLP, natural language processing is a method used in artificial intelligence to process and derive … Microsoft Agent Not rated yet Microsoft Agent Microsoft Agent was a customizable, animated avatar for the web developed by Microsoft.

It used ActiveX to embed the interactive avatar … Machine Learning Not rated yet Machine Learning Machine learning, or ML, is a branch of AI focused on creating computer systems that accomplish tasks without explicit instructions. These results are often based on pre-set rules … Learn Mode Not rated yet Learn Mode Learn mode allows a computer, hardware, or software program to learn or record the steps required to perform a particular task. It then takes that information and applies … Hopebot Not rated yet Hopebot A helper bot developed by Computer Hope derived from some of the work done on the Zer0 chatbot that assists and maintains order in the Computer … Google Assistant Not rated yet Google Assistant Google Assistant is a digital assistant service by Google that uses artificial intelligence to respond to voice requests.

It can … Fuzzy Logic Not rated yet Fuzzy Logic Reasoning used by a computer program where the answer does not need to be explicitly true or false. Data and information are extracted … Click here to write your own. Data Processing Not rated yet Data Processing Data processing is the process of gathering and manipulating data, and then summarizing it as something meaningful.

It may also refer … Data Mining Not rated yet Data Mining Data mining is a concept first realized when businesses began storing important information on computer databases and extracting useful … Data Center Not rated yet Data Center A data center, or DC for short, is a generic term to describe a facility used to store computers, servers, routers, switches, and other … Database Not rated yet Database Alternatively referred to as a databank or a datastore, and sometimes abbreviated as a DB, a database is a large quantity of indexed digital … Data Acquisition Not rated yet Data Acquisition Alternatively referred to as a data capture, data acquisition is the process of collecting and organizing information.

The method … Data Not rated yet Data In general, data is any set of characters that is gathered and translated for some purpose, usually analysis. It was designed to test a chatterbot's ability to simulate … Chatbot Not rated yet Chatbot Alternatively referred to as a chatbot, a chatterbot is a software program or script designed to simulate a real person's conversation. E and other bots that are based on A.

A botmaster is responsible for keeping the bot online, making … Bixby Not rated yet Bixby Created in to compete with voice assistants, such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, Bixby is a digital assistant for Samsung smartphones … Automation Not rated yet Automation Automation is the use of technology to accomplish a task with as little human interaction as possible.

In computing, automation is usually … Alice Not rated yet Alice Alice may refer to any of the following: Alicebot or Alice is a natural language artificial intelligent robot programmed with AIML Artificial … Big Data Not rated yet Big Data Big data is a term that describes the process of handling and analyzing evolving data that is in the petabyte and exabyte range.

The feature … System 7 Not rated yet System 7 An Apple Macintosh operating system that contains virtual memory, multitasking, hotlinks, and TrueType fonts. System 7 was also the first … System Not rated yet System A system may refer to any of the following: When referring to a computer, system or system unit is used to distinguish the complete computer.

When referring to an Apple Macintosh, … Puck Not rated yet Puck A puck may refer to any of the following: A puck is a computer input device that contains glass or magnified glass with a crosshair, allowing … Programmer's Switch Not rated yet Programmer's Switch A programmer's switch is a button found on some models of Apple Macintosh computers that may allow an individual to access a command … Click here to write your own. It enabled users to wirelessly sync e-mails, contacts, … Mission Control Not rated yet Mission Control A feature on the Apple macOS X that gives an overview of what is currently running on the computer.

It was introduced as part of the iOS 12 update in Introduced in September , the rotationally symmetrical 8-pin Lightning … Launchpad Not rated yet Launchpad Launchpad is a feature found in Apple's macOS operating system. It is a launcher that displays all applications installed on your Mac. Mac is a group of online services from Apple computers. Mac … iPad Not rated yet iPad Officially announced on January 27, , the Apple iPad is a tablet-style computing device, as shown in the picture.

The devices have similar … Click here to write your own. It features a basic interface with a timeline, … iMessage Not rated yet iMessage iMessage is an instant messaging service created by Apple. It enables Apple Macintosh computer users to create and burn their … iCloud Not rated yet iCloud iCloud is a cloud service from Apple that allows photos, documents, and other media to be stored on Apple cloud servers.

It may be … iBeacon Not rated yet iBeacon iBeacon is an indoor proximity system trademarked by Apple. It is a technology that enables an iOS device or other hardware to send push notifications … Hybrid Not rated yet Hybrid Hybrid may refer to any of the following: In general, hybrid refers to anything that is made of two or more things. It listens for voice commands when it hears … Home Button Not rated yet Home Button Home may refer to any of the following: On the Internet, home could refer to the main page of a site, more commonly known as the homepage.

It requires downloaded software to be digitally signed by … GarageBand Not rated yet GarageBand GarageBand is music production software created by Apple. It was initially released in as part of iLife. With HTML aqua or cyan is represented … App Store Not rated yet App Store In general, an app store is an app that enables a user to find software, and install it on their computer or mobile device.

It's a collection … Applications Not rated yet Applications An application may refer to any of the following: Application and app are synonymous with the word "program" when talking about software … Apple Watch Not rated yet Apple Watch The Apple Watch is a wearable computing device made by Apple.

It was designed to allow users of the Apple operating system to make … Apple Pencil Not rated yet Apple Pencil Released in as an accessory for the iPad Pro, the Apple Pencil is a wireless stylus that works on select Apple devices. Using FaceTime, a … Click here to write your own. Since their inception, … App Not rated yet App App may refer to any of the following: Alternatively referred to as a mobile app, an app is a program developed for smartphones or tablets … Animoji Not rated yet Animoji An Animoji is an animated emoji released with the iOS 11 version of the mobile Apple operating system.

It provides the user with a standard … iPhone Not rated yet iPhone An iPhone may refer to any of the following: The iPhone is a smartphone created by Apple that was announced on January 9, It is used as a to create special characters and as a modifier for other command … Safari Not rated yet Safari Safari is an Internet browser that was first introduced on June 30, , and is included with Apple macOS X and the iPhone.

It is also available … Extension Not rated yet Extension An extension may refer to any of the following: In general, an extension is a part that is added to something that extends or enlarges … Terminal Not rated yet Terminal Terminal may refer to any of the following: On Apple computers and many Linux computers, the Terminal is an interface that allows you … QuickTime Not rated yet QuickTime Developed by Apple and initially released on December 2, , QuickTime is software that allows a computer user to play movie files.

It provides the user with a standard … Click here to write your own. What is Security Camera? What is Ware? What is Holy Grail Layout? What is … What is Tinder? Not rated yet What is Tinder?

Released in , Tinder is a popular smartphone app for online dating. It allows users to create a profile with pictures and a biography … What is a Fab?

Not rated yet What is a Fab?

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