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Chief Architect Premier is easy to use compared to many similar programs such as Furthermore this powerful software is compatible with nearly user friendly interface with multiple menus and sub windows. Each menu and sub window has got loads of setting and features.

This designing tool will let you create plans for structure garden heating and plumbing system. Chief Architect uses smart design objects such as cabinets to quickly and easily create various styles shapes and sizes.

Chief Architect partners with specific manufacturers cabinets appliances doors windows countertops and flooring so that styles finishes and other product specific design details can be accurately drawn and rendered.

This software can produce 3D models and provide a Materials List; Chief Architect Premier with its powerful tools allows you to design the most professional plans and architectures of real estate. In this software, you can use professional materials to design plans of standard buildings, the possibility of designing roofs, modeling them, using frames, 3D models, using trusses, structures Wooden and… are the most important features of this software.

In addition, Chief Architect Premier provides you with the most complete drawing and interior decoration tools for residential and commercial real estate, just like the powerful AutoCAD application. Chief Architect Premier is a great software in the field of home decoration design that provides a special tool for the designer to design bathrooms, toilets, kitchens and.. Creating Rooms Once the exterior of the house is in place, you can begin drawing interior walls and creating rooms.

Rooms are defined by the walls that enclose them and can be assigned a Room Type that applies attributes such as flooring that are typical to that type of room. For more information about rooms, see Room Types on page of the Reference Manual. To define rooms using interior walls.

As with exterior walls, you dont need to worry about exact placement as you draw. Click the Select Objects button, then select the top wall section created by the breaks and delete it. Repeat this process for the bottom wall section, so that only the middle section remains, which is hatched in the image below for illustrative purposes.

Select a wall with the incorrect wall type and click the Open Object edit button to open the Wall Specification dialog. On the Wall Types panel, click the Wall Type drop-down list and select the desired wall type.

Click OK to close the dialog and change the selected wall to the chosen wall type. Repeat this process for each of the walls that you want to change, as in the image below. Using Room Dividers In reality, rooms are not always divided by a physical wall. The separation of two rooms may be marked by a change in the flooring carpet to tile, for example , or by a change in the interior wall covering.

In Chief Architect, a Room Divider or invisible wall can be used to define rooms without creating an actual wall. To create a room divider 1. Object edit tool to display the Wall Specification dialog. On the General panel, note that Invisible and No Locate are checked. Uncheck No Locate, as while this option is selected, it will prevent dimensions from locating the wall, and click OK. Repeat this process for any of the remaining room divider walls in the plan that you want to be able to dimension to.

Adjust the wall spacing of the interior, exterior and room divider walls to match the following image using Interior Dimensions. For example, porches use a concrete floor material and have a ceiling and roof, while decks use floor planking and have no ceiling or roof. For more information, see Rooms on page of the Reference Manual.

To designate a Room Type for a room. Double-clicking inside of a room when the Select Objects tool is active will also open the Room Specification dialog. Creating a 3D View You can create a 3D view of the model to see how it looks so far. For more information, see 3D Views on page of the Reference Manual. To create a camera view. Click at the bottom of the floor plan view window and drag a line that stops at the Entry. The point where you click A defines the point of perspective and the line B defines the direction of perspective.

Release the mouse button to create the 3D camera view. Where the mouse is released C is the cameras focal point.

You can use the Mouse-Orbit Camera tool to change the cameras perspective. The camera will revolve around its focal point C. See Repositioning Cameras on page of the Reference Manual for more information. Note: Final Views often take significantly longer to generate than Previews, so the 3D view reverts back to the Preview Settings as soon as anything is changed within the view. You can press the I in and the O out keys on the keyboard to zoom in and out of the plan.

For more information on modifying camera views, see Editing 3D Views on page of the Reference Manual. Adding Floors Creating new floors in a plan is easy, but it is best to do so only after the first floor plan has been finalized.

With this first floor of this plan completed, you can now add a second story and basement. For more information about working with multiple floors, see Multiple Floors on page of the Reference Manual. To add a second floor 1. You could also create a blank second floor plan and then drawn the second story walls manually; however, it is usually faster to automatically generate the perimeter walls and then edit them as needed. Click OK and a floor plan for the second floor is created based on the exterior walls of the first floor plan.

The second floor perimeter walls will now require some editing. It will be difficult to know where the second story walls should be without knowing where the first floor walls are located. When the wall becomes aligned with another wall and can merge with it, it will stop at a "sticky point. Release the mouse button. Note that if you keep dragging the mouse, the wall will break free of the sticky point and you can continue moving it.

Note: Before merging walls, make sure Object Snaps are turned on. For more information, see Object Snaps on page of the Reference Manual. Use the techniques described above and in Drawing Walls on page 27 and Adjusting Wall Positions on page 31 to create exterior walls as shown in the following image:. Change the Minimum Stem Wall Height to inches. Click OK to close the dialog and create a foundation level for your plan. For more information, see Foundation Defaults on page of the Reference Manual.

For more information, see Adding Floors on page of the Reference Manual. Notice the "S" Markers, which indicate steps in the foundation stem wall top heights.

To add a second story balcony Now that a second floor has been created, the tools and techniques described earlier can be used to add a second story balcony that is aligned with the floor below. If Object Snaps are on, the second story balcony railing will likely snap into alignment with the walls on Floor 1 as they are drawn.

If not, you can manually align them as described in the following steps. Object edit button. If Align with Wall Below is not available, the selected railing either needs to be moved closer to the wall below, or the railing is already aligned with the one below. See Aligning Walls on page of the Reference Manual. Repeat these steps for each section of railing that has a wall directly below it on Floor 1.

Finally, add interior walls to the second floor. When you are finished, it should look similar to this:. Adding Stairs Now that the structure has three floors, it will require stairs. To draw stairs with a landing 1. Click and drag to draw a short stair section from right to left, as shown in the following image:. While the Straight Stairs tool is still active, click in the space to the left of the two stair sections to create a landing.

Click on the landing with either the Straight Stairs or Select Objects and if needed, resize it using its edit handles to fit it against the wall. A stairwell is simply an interior room that has been assigned the Room Type Open Below. Click the Up One Floor button to go to Floor 2. Notice that there is now a stairwell room defined by railings directly above the stairs on Floor 1.

It makes sense to draw the basement stairs directly below the stairs to Floor 1. The Auto Stairwell edit tool could be used to create another stairwell; however, in this situation, it will be better to use the existing interior walls to define the stairwell, rather than by the railings that the Auto Stairwell tool generates. To manually create a stairwell 1. Next, click on a stair section inside of the stairwell room and click the Select Next Object stair. Do not draw the landing just yet, though.

Select each stair section and adjust its width and position using its edit handles so that it fits within the walls forming the stairwell drawn on Floor 1. When the stair sections are positioned properly, click with the Straight Stairs create a landing as you did on Floor 1. Next, use the Select Objects tool to select the landing, click on the Break Line edit tool, and click along the landings edge to place a break, which allows you to reshape it so that it fits against the foundation walls.

Placing Doors and Windows Now is a good time to add some doors and windows to the model. For more information about doors and windows, see Doors on page of the Reference Manual and Windows on page of the Reference Manual. To add a door. To better see the results when the door is edited, create a Perspective Full Camera view inside the structure, pointed at the entry. Click the Open Object edit button to open the Door Specification dialog. Press the Tab key to update the preview image on the right side of the dialog so that it reflects your change.

Click the Open Object edit button to open the Window Specification dialog. To customize all of your doors and windows in this manner, make your changes in the Door Defaults and Window Defaults dialogs before placing them. For more information about copying objects, see Copying and Pasting Objects on page of the Reference Manual. Doors and windows can be placed, selected, deleted, copied, pasted, and edited in either 2D or 3D views. If there is a window design that you will be using throughout a plan, you can create it once, then just copy and paste it.

An even better approach is to set your door and window defaults to the desired settings before placing these objects. To create a doorway 1. Select the doorway by clicking on its frame and click the Open Object open the Door Specification dialog. On the Casing panel, change the Exterior Casing Width to 10". Be sure to delete the D from the text field. It stands for "default" and if it is not removed, it will continue to apply the default casing width, regardless of the value you specify.

On the Casing panel, click the Library button beside Casing Profile and select a molding profile from the library. On the Arch panel, click the Type drop-down and select "Broken Arch" from the list. Set the Height to 12". Click the Center Object edit button, then click inside the entry room, near the interior wall containing the doorway. Use the tools and techniques youve learned to add window and doors to the rest of the plan, as shown in the following images.

Doors placed in interior walls become interior doors and have different specifications than exterior doors. If you feel inspired, customize the doors and windows as you see fit. For example, increase a doors width to 48" or greater and the program will automatically create a double door. Using the Full Camera tool, create an interior camera view on Floor 1. Remember that where you click determines the cameras perspective and where you release determines the point about which the camera will rotate.

A short drag distance is ideal, however, the distance must be greater than one foot. You can also learn about materials in the Materials Tutorial or find out more about roofs in the Roof Tutorial. To learn how to arrange views of your model on a page for printing, see the Layout Tutorial. The majority of Roof Tutorial describes some common roof styles that can be created using settings in the Wall Specification dialog and can be completed independent of the other tutorials.

It also explains how to add gables over doors and windows, how to create dormers automatically and manually, and how to create skylights. In this tutorial youll learn about:. Getting Started with Automatic Roof Styles This tutorial uses a simple, rectangular structure to explain how to create common roof styles using roof style directives assigned to the exterior walls. To begin a new plan 1. See Drawing Walls on page of the Reference Manual. Roof Style Directives in Walls By default, the program will generate a roof plane bearing on each exterior wall that does not have a room-defining wall directly above it, and will use the pitch specified in the Build Roof dialog.

The result is a hip style roof; however, if you need a different condition over a particular wall to produce another roof style, you can define it in that walls specification dialog. Individual walls can be selected and edited in both 2D and 3D views.

When multiple walls are to be edited, however, it is usually quicker and easier to work in floor plan view: in part, because you can hold down the Shift key and group-select walls. To set a walls roof directives 1. To select multiple walls, hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and click on additional walls to add them to the selection set.

The Roof Options control how the roof builds over the selected wall. The Pitch Options control how steep the roof that bears on the selected wall is. The Overhang setting lets you specify how far the roof above extends past the walls exterior.

The Auto Roof Return settings let you specify and customize automatic roof returns. Lower Wall Type if Split by Butting Roof lets you create a lower wall type that follows the underside of an adjacent roof plane, if one is present.

Attic Walls When a roof is generated, attic walls may also be generated. An attic wall fills the space between the walls that define a room and the roof above.

The triangular-shaped wall of a gable, for example, is created using an attic wall. If you do not want to see attic walls in floor plan view, you can turn off their display. To turn off the display of attic walls 1. Deleting Roofs Whether a roof was drawn manually or automatically generated, deleting roof planes is easy:. If a warning message states that roofs cannot be deleted while Auto Rebuild Roof is on, click the Yes button to turn off Auto Rebuild Roof and delete the roof.

Auto Rebuild Roofs is turned off by default, and this tutorial is presented with this feature disabled; however the information presented here also applies when it is enabled. Hip Roofs When roofs are automatically generated, a roof plane is built over every exterior wall in the plan that does not have another wall drawn above it. The result is referred to as a hip roof. To create a hip roof 1. Begin with the basic rectangular structure described in Getting Started with Automatic Roof Styles on page Gable Roofs If you would like a gable over a particular wall rather than a roof plane bearing on it, you can specify it as a Full Gable Wall in the Wall Specification dialog.

To create basic gable roof, two walls should be specified as Full Gable Wall. To create a gable roof 1. Click the Select Objects tool, select the vertical wall on the left, hold down the Shift key, and select the vertical wall on the right. The two walls should be group-selected.

See To set a walls roof directives on page Alternatively, you can click the Change to Gable Wall s edit button. To create a shed roof. Select the lower horizontal wall and open its Wall Specification dialog. Offset Gable Roofs An offset gable is a type of gable roof with different pitches on each of the two roof planes and an ridge that is offset from the buildings center line.

Assign a different pitch to the two roof planes in the Wall Specification dialog for the wall supporting each one. To create an offset gable roof 1.

On the Roof panel, leave the Roof Options unchecked and change the Pitch to 12 in Gambrel Roofs A gambrel or barn style roof has two pitches on each side of the ridge. The first lower pitch on either side is steeper than the pitch near the ridge. To create a gambrel roof 1. Click the Select Objects tool, select the horizontal wall on the top, hold down the Shift key, and select the horizontal wall on the bottom. Make sure that the Pitch value is followed by D , which means that is set to use the default.

Check the box beside Upper Pitch. Specify the Upper Pitch as 6 in 12 and the Start Height as ". To learn more, see Finding the Start of an Upper Pitch on page Click OK to close the Wall Specification dialog. Experiment with alternate pitches and overhangs. Also, try varying the height at which the second pitch begins so that you can see the effect it has on the gambrel roof design.

Gull Wing Roofs A gull wing roof has two pitches on either side of the ridge, as a gambrel does; but the first pitch of a gull wing is shallower than the steeper upper pitch. To create a gull wing roof 1. Open the Wall Specification dialog and on the Roof panel, and change the following settings:. Place a check in the box beside Upper Pitch. Keep the Upper Pitch as 12 in 12 and change the Start Height to ". Click OK to close the dialog. Experiment with the height at which the second pitch begins so that you can see the effect it has on the gull wing roof design.

Half Hip Roofs A half hip roof has two gable ends. At the top of each gable is a small hip that extends to the ridge. To create a half hip roof 1. Specify the Upper Pitch as 3 in 12 and set the Start Height at ". Mansard Roofs A mansard roof is a hip roof with two pitches on the roof sections above each exterior walls: an extremely steep lower pitch and a gently sloping upper pitch.

To create a mansard roof 1. Click the Select Objects tool, select one of the exterior walls, hold down the Shift key, and click on the remaining walls to select them as a group. Specify the Upper Pitch as 1. Finding the Start of an Upper Pitch When creating a roof style with lower and upper pitches, you can determine the exact Starts at Height or In From Baseline values that you need in an elevation view.

To find the start of an upper pitch 1. Generate the roof using only the first, lower pitch. Be sure to define all the roof information for each wall gable, hip, first pitch, etc.

Create a cross section view that includes the roof plane that will have the second pitch. Using the Point-to-Point Dimension tool, drag a dimension line from the baseline to the vertical plane of the temporary point.

Enter either of these values in the Wall Specification dialog. You can press the Tab key to update the other value. Roof Style Quick Reference The following chart provides a quick reference for building the roof styles described in this tutorial. The chart shows which walls to change and what to change on the Roof panel of the Wall Specification dialog for each wall.

These parameters are based on a 34xfoot model. For different size plans, adjust these numbers. Roof Returns A roof return is a small decorative roof plane that connects to the low side of a gable roof overhang and extends below the upper triangular portion of the gable wall. While you can build these manually, the following pictures illustrate the three styles of roof returns that can be produced automatically in Chief Architect.

The first two are called Gable and Hip returns, since the returns themselves end in either a gable or a hip. The third is called a Full return because it extends under the entire gable, connecting both sides. Full roof returns are sometimes referred to as water tables. Roof returns can be specified for any wall, but they will only generate on Full Gable Walls. Specify the horizontal Length of the returns in inches; the distance to Extend the returns past the main roof overhang; the style of roof return; and whether the returns are sloping or flat.

As long as your model has a roof, the specified roof returns will be generated when you click OK. For more information, see Roof Returns on page of the Reference Manual.

Discover why millions of people use Chief Architect as the home design software product of choice for 2D and 3D design. Powerful building and drafting tools make the design process efficient and productive. Quickly create detailed plans according to standard building practices. See more Building Design features. Chief Architect uses smart design objects, such as cabinets, to quickly and easily create various styles, shapes and sizes.

Chief Architect partners with specific manufacturers cabinets, appliances, doors, windows, countertops and flooring so that styles, finishes and other product-specific design details can be accurately drawn and rendered. As you draw walls, the program automatically creates a 3D model and supports full 3D editing. An extensive 3D Library of architectural objects and tools make it easy to detail and accessorize your designs so that styles, finishes and other product-specific design details can be accurately rendered.

Some of them are as follows there are Dockable Layer Display options included which will help you control your layers easily. It also supports HD picture export and you can create and export larger than screen resolution renders. Images with transparent background can also be exported. You may also like to download 3D Home Landscape Pro New editing tools will help you create new line, spline and arc segments.

You can create different wall types with multiple framing layers.


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